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Suddenly Rich! Waking up to Two Million Dollars

You have been praying for something like this for many days but thought it was absurd. This is now how the world works.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2023 July 17

One day when you wake up, you see a suitcase standing on the table beside your bed, and on its side something written, "2 million dollars. As you wished!" You have been praying for something like this for many days but thought it was absurd. This is not how the world works.

A bag full of money

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

You live alone. You look at the door, and it's closed. The lock is just as you secured it yesterday. You pick up the suitcase and toss it on the bed and open it. There, in fact, is money— notes— bundles of it. You start counting, and it's 2 million dollars.

But this must have come with certain terms and conditions, you worry. You've never been that much of a God-supporting person. On the spectrum, you fall closer to the opposing crowd. So, why you? When there are devotees and people who always pray and offer flowers? It's a mistake and something bad will happen to compensate. Anyway, you decide on one million dollars for backup. You are keeping it safe. Safe for what? You don't know. Then you think it's too much. 500k instead. The rest of it, you are going to spend wisely.

You are not one of those brainwashed who think money solves all the problems. Instead, you're drunk on this idea. Little moments and good relationships count more in life. If you are poor and someone loves you, they love you for you. Being rich, you don't know who to trust. Bad things are inevitable for both: the rich and the poor. With money, it's just a few days of happiness that only lasts during the transitional phase, and when it’s over, life will again start to feel boring. And people will hate you like in the movies.

You have a job. It pays less. But you keep it, because you haven't quite figured out what you want to do in your free time. You have had free time in the past, and all you did was sleep and scroll and later feel guilty about it. You still hate when you have to stand in the crowded bus and the smell coming from several sweaty people there. But soon, you realize this fact. They are just trying to earn money, be happier, and be safe. Something which you can easily achieve now. That slow person in your job who always makes you wait, you realize he is trying. This money gives you some sort of elite vision. You understand the livelihood of people with patience, how this is all but a big play, and how they are doing their part to live a normal life. You no longer hate anyone that much and get annoyed. And in return, you are happy, something you shouldn't be if you were poor. You can easily choose to not be like them, but you like this lifestyle. There is grace in this daily struggle, there is passion and hope, and it's all you've ever seen and ever known. This way of life is where you came from. This is your identity.

Shawshank redemption movie poster

Movie belongs to Warner Bros

Sometimes, you worry if you're afraid of living a rich lifestyle because you already are institutionalized. Like the character Red, played by Morgan Freeman, says in your favorite movie, The Shawshank Redemption, after reading the suicide note of Brooks Halten, who was just released from prison. But you realize you're happy, and you can always choose to leave this place. Although you cannot time travel, you adopt this recipe of happiness from the protagonist of this beautiful movie(About Time) you watched recently. You try to live every moment of your life to the fullest, as if you willingly came back to it, observing and enjoying the dance of everyone around you.

About time movie poster

Movie belongs to Universal Studios

You do spend that money—mostly on food. (-$400 per month) Delicious and healthy. You fix your teeth. (-$800) And you start to look healthy. You decide to buy a bike and ride it to work. (-$2,000) The most you've used till now. This is it, you think. I shouldn't have wasted this much. This is how I am going to be punished. This was a test. Now I am going to die in a bike accident. You do face an accident. It nearly kills you. You break your wrist and your head is hit. (-$12,000) You decide to never spend that much again.

You can't ride your bike for some months. Back to taking the bus. One day, you see a girl at the bus stop and decide to talk to her. Money has given you the confidence which was previously illegal to possess. She likes the same movies as you. You embarrassingly ask her out. She says yes. You wonder if she knows you're rich. Because you're ugly, and you do think you have a great personality, but that never helped you. Until now. Suddenly. You decide to not think about it. You now know you want to be a musician, a painter, an animator, and a writer. You think about leaving your job, but that way you can't meet daily with this girl. You have heard the pale blue dot speech by the great physicist Carl Sagan, so you know how vast the Universe is, and thus, nothing really matters, no matter how great a musician, or how great a writer you become. The happiest you've ever been is at present, talking to this girl. It takes about two months to learn to hold your feelings. You leave your job and think about a piano. But that's a lot of money. You still have your previous scars. Guitar instead. (-$200) Also, you start writing.

Time passes. You love this girl so much, and she loves you too. You've shown her you're rich and maybe that helped, but you don't care. You are happy. (-$1000) You go out to eat frequently, and one day she says she can't always share the bill. She opens up about being poor, but not like that though. Just like you in the past. All the money she got has a predetermined path already, and changing that may bring bigger problems to her. You understand and are pleased that she is opening up. You show your vulnerabilities and she shows sympathy and understands, and she shows hers and you understand.

You think of moving to a better place, where it rains more and is sunnier. She agrees. (-$1500)

You self-publish your book and advertise it with a good budget. It sells great. (-$8000) People love it. You make around 50k dollars from the sale. More than you ever spent from that 2 million dollars. Inflation included. You buy a piano. (-$10,000) A powerful computer—you start gaming. (-$6,000) Three years have passed, and you went on so many vacations with your partner. (-$30,000) You realize you're picking from the pile again.

Some years pass, and you are 29. You ask her to marry you. She agrees. You ask yourself the same question you've been asking all these years. How did I become so lucky? Though I deserve everything I have because I am a good man, how can the world be so caring for me? Why is nothing going wrong? It was supposed to. Maybe this happiness is to compensate for the misery I am about to face. Maybe my parents will die soon. Maybe my wife will die in childbirth, or maybe she will die, just die of some bizarre disease, or in an accident. Maybe my children will.

A farewell to arms book cover

I don't own this picture.

You celebrate your third anniversary, and you both talk about having a baby. You tell her you are afraid, and she tells you she is afraid too. After about a year, you are sitting on a cold steel chair in the hospital, and inside the room is your wife. You notice how you are having the same questions as the protagonist of this book you read recently. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. The money you spent on this new house was too much; it wasn't that much needed also. (- $200,000) Although you earned like half of that, it's still too much. What if she dies? What if Gods notice the mistake and they decide to punish me? The doctor comes outside to the passage and states that your wife is okay. But the child is dead. It's better than the dead wife, you think. What if it's a sign that she must not be pregnant again, otherwise some doomsday scenario will play out? She becomes pregnant again, and you are once again sitting on a cold bench with thoughts in your mind. The money you spent on that luxurious car was too much; a small car would've been great too. (-$300,000) You become a father of a boy.

Soon your wife is pregnant again. Now this is it, you think. My boy is just two years old and God thinks it's a perfect time to punish me. Another son. You and your wife decide to stop. Your boys grow. They go to school— everything is perfect. The school is a little far from where you live. They need to go on a bus. So, the bus is it, you think. It will compensate for this money. But that never happens. The boys grow into teenagers. You write many books. They sell great. (-$150,000) (+$800,000) The music doesn't do much, but it's okay. You like it. Your children move out and think about getting married. You and your wife have retired. You've gone on like 50 vacations, and now you're tired. (-$400,000) But nothing ever goes wrong. What's the problem? Why did I become so lucky? You are old now, and can't walk properly. Your wife is dead already. She was 89. You are 90, and soon, you will die too. The money is recovered. You've earned to compensate for the spending. You think about packing 2 million dollars in a suitcase and placing it secretly inside a room of some young person. Maybe you also got it this way. You decide not to do that. It's too much work. Instead, you donate it all. Two million dollars. And then, you die. Never knowing the reason why you were so lucky. A sad life, don't you think? Nothing ever went wrong. Such a fake one. No one will ever want something like this.

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