
Hi, my name is Satyam Ghimire. I live in Nepal, and I am 22 years old.

In this website I try to give some shape and form to my fragmented thoughts. Here I write about things I noticed and found interesting, covering a wide range of topics. Ideas come to me from anywhere. All the articles are filed under tags, so that it's easier to navigate and to give an idea of what to expect. You can go to the archive page to view all the articles published here, or just click on random tags on the sidebar. If you are confused about the tags, read the tag explainer.

The name glimpse of details remarks those details that stood out and paused me. Made me fall in love and entertained me, whispered something that translates to "it’s nice here". The name is also an ode to those glimpses of details I am searching for everywhere. And those glimpses of details that I know deep down will never be found, yet give me pleasure to long for, keep me up at night with imagination and dreams.

Birth of the content

For most of the articles published here, the workflow looks like this. First, I think of something totally absurd. It’s so stupid that I can’t stop thinking about it. Now, after wasting some time, the same wasted time haunts me and demands me to elaborate and work harder on the idea. “You can’t just let it go. What’s the point of thinking this much this whole time?” Then as a result I defend my absurd idea with some weak arguments, (which is why most of the articles fall under the naive-maybies tag). And voila—something is created.

Sometimes I am unable to stop thinking. Writing is a great remedy for that. Some of the articles published here, the first few were actually written 3-4 years ago. Writing for me in another words saying this to myself, "Thank you for thinking about it too much. You have thought about it enough. Now, see here it's written. Right here. Now go and think of new thoughts."

Why did I start this website?

I always wanted something like this, a place where I can unravel my thoughts and share them with people. One day it got into my mind that starting a website like this will never go in vain. I will never regret this and always adore this, and the sooner I do it the better. This will give me a long term purpose and inspire me to see things clearly and with wonder. I can picture myself writing here, even when I am old. And even in those days when I am just sad and tired of everything and losing hope—especially in those days. The site exists because I was inspired and the same site will inspire me in return, like some self sustaining, bi-directional reaction.

Because after all, this whole site is a review of what mattered to me in my life. It would be really cool as I age.

Yes, a lot of people post photos of themselves to the internet, but how many lose hours writing about things that interest them? How many risk being an idiot, to be wrong? I know I am yet again defending myself and making myself seem large and wise, but I am really so proud of this website and what I am going to do with it.

What do I want this website to be?

A portfolio of my existence. I know the world is big and I am so insignificant compared to anything, but no amount of time and scale could deny that I was here. It's like why thousands of years ago people left their hand prints on the wall of the cave. To say that they were here. Same for me.

Oscar Wilde wrote in his book, "We all live in a gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." I agree with this statement. This is my attempt to look at the stars. I hope I am doing it fine. Thank you for reading.

Ps: This page is kinda incomplete for now. Many edits need to be done. So many errors. For now, I am choosing to focus on other pages and leave this “about” page as it is. I will come back here again soon.

Read also:

Man in the clouds

Filed under:

Waiting for the End of the World

The best time for the end of the world was 100 years ago, and the second best time is now.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

Movies where toys come to life

Filed under:

Barbie and Artificial Intelligence: When Objects Come to Life.

Like Barbie in Barbie 2023, the AI we have also lives in a loop. Always having the same interface and motto ready. I am here to help you. Do you need anything else? Everyday is the best day ever. Everyday it should help humans.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

secondhand lions movie

Filed under:

Secondhand Lions, Meaning of Life in an Unexpected Place

You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

Also available as a YouTube video.

Ending of Only Yesterday movie

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It really was Only Yesterday, wasn’t it?

She is going to grow that innocence once again inside her and follow her heart, feel new feelings and acknowledge that adulthood can be as beautiful as childhood. So she doesn't need her past self walking around anymore.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

Also available as a YouTube video.

Brooks in the bus, clutching his seat

Filed under:

How Brooks from The Shawshank Redemption could have been saved?

Red was pretty much like Brooks, but luckily he got a friend: Andy. What if Brooks had a friend like Andy in his time?

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 3

Also available as a YouTube video.

Joker and Green Goblin

Filed under:

No, Joker and Green Goblin Didn't Have A Point

What Joker knew about the true face of Gotham's citizens, Batman knew that all too. This monologue was nothing new to him. And yet Batman chose to do his service selflessly.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 January 27

Also available as a YouTube video.