Articles and stories written by Satyam Ghimire

secondhand lions movie
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You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

Also available as a YouTube video.
Only Yesterday movie
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She is going to follow her heart, feel new feelings, and acknowledge that adulthood can be as beautiful as childhood. She doesn't need her child-self walking around anymore.

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 4

Also available as a YouTube video.
Brooks on the bus, clutching his seat
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Red was pretty much like Brooks, but luckily he got a friend: Andy. What if Brooks had a friend like Andy in his time?

By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 3

Also available as a YouTube video.
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How can I stand with an ugly man and look in the mirror and meet my eyes and be proud?

By Satyam Ghimire || Date: 2023 July 17

I am a beautiful girl. I am a smart girl. I know there's a more popular phrase for this, a phrase that, according to many, should be a compliment to girls like me. But I hate it. And no, this isn't a cheap attempt to drive sympathy towards me in any way. Give your sympathy to the real ugly. They need it more. Go and say that the inside is what matters. That beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There could be a grand total of zero beholder for their beauty, but beauty of course is always in the eyes of the beholder. I am confused these days. Not that this is my first time discovering beauty doesn’t always promise peace. These days I don’t care. I don’t feel my qualities. I still have this face though, a face with symmetry of the twilight, hair as soft and flowing as underwater algae, eyes of a leopard, and body as prosperous as some fluffy clouds. These perfections are just here in me, but I am not them. I know what you are thinking.

painting of a beautiful girl

Pretty lady discovers consciousness and is shocked. I am familiar with the stereotype. Two weeks ago, one boy from my class died in a terrible accident. I was on the spot, about 10 steps in front of him on the zebra crossing. A car from the right didn’t stop. It skidded over the black-top as the driver furiously rotated the wheels. Within seconds, the boy’s body lay like an inflated jelly on the road and his head started to leak. I stood still and took a few steps when people started running towards him. The police arrived soon. I looked at his closed eyes from behind a woman's shoulder. I had known him for two years, but we never spoke. ...continue reading...

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What would Min do in this situation? -> Min wouldn't be in this situation.

By Satyam Ghimire || Date: 2023 July 17

Also available as a YouTube video.
Parasite movie characters

Exactly at the midpoint of Parasite, the great plot twist of the film happens. When it seems the dust has settled from that twist and the Kim family were taking a few breaths of relief, Mrs. Kim receives a phone call. It's Mrs. Park, the house owner. She says to boil the water for Ramdon(a Korean food), as the timing will be perfect. 8 minutes. They are not going on a vacation anymore because of the rain. The Kim family were already troubled and just collecting their breaths after encountering the plot-twist-characters. Now they had to flee immediately from the Park’s house, and in total silence.

It is raining heavily outside. They nearly got caught in the process, but all of their luck chose to be spent here. Joseph Campbell, one of the most influential figures in storytelling and mythologies, has proposed four functions mythologies have on society. And one of those functions is “The Psychological Function.” The most personal of the four. It means teaching individuals how to live their life, how to react to things happening in their own lives by learning from stories. It's not strange for characters—in fact, it's a necessity, to have our thoughts, our questions. In Parasite, when the son asked, “What would Min do in this situation?”, I felt so seen. A similar question, though, gets asked in every single movie when a character has to go through some hardship. It's “Why me?” It's similar, somewhat like siblings, but this question is not as imaginative as the former. ...continue reading...

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You have been praying for something like this for many days but thought it was absurd. This is now how the world works.

By Satyam Ghimire || Date: 2023 July 17

One day when you wake up, you see a suitcase standing on the table beside your bed, and on its side something written, "2 million dollars. As you wished!" You have been praying for something like this for many years but thought it was absurd. You live alone. You look at the door. It's closed. The lock is just as you secured it yesterday. You pick up the suitcase and toss it on the bed and open it. There, in fact, is money— notes— bundles of it. You start counting. But this must have come with certain terms and conditions, you worry. You've never been that much of a God-supporting person. On the spectrum, you fall closer to the opposing crowd. So, why you? When there are devotees and people who always pray and offer flowers? It's a mistake and something bad will happen to compensate. Anyway, you decide on 1.5 million dollars for backup. You are keeping it safe. Safe for what? You don't know. Then you think it's too much. A million instead.

a bag full of money

You are not one of those brainwashed who think money solves all the problems. Instead, you're drunk on this idea. Little moments and good relationships count more in life. If you are poor and someone loves you, they love you for you. Being rich, you don't know who to trust. Bad things are inevitable for both rich and the poor. With money, it's just a few days of happiness that only lasts during the transitional phase, and when it’s over, life will again start to feel boring. You have a job. It pays less. But you keep it, because you haven't quite figured out what you want to do in your free time. You have had free time in the past, and all you did was sleep and later feel guilty about it. You still hate when you have to stand in the crowded bus and the smell coming from sweaty people there. But soon, you realize this fact. They are just trying to earn money, be happy and safe. Something which you can easily achieve now. That slow person in your job who always makes you wait, you realize he is trying. ...continue reading...