Tags Explainer

Each article on this website is filed under some tags. While some of these tags are self-explanatory, some are not. They are more like a metaphor, coined as some specific phrase or term that I found interesting and also quite resonating.

In this article, I am explaining the meaning behind each tag, so that it's easier for people to navigate and know what they are getting into. All the tags that are currently on this website are:


At the end of the 2019 movie Joker, the Joker says, “you wouldn’t get it” and then the song “That’s life” plays. That’s life, things happen. This tag covers articles and stories where the character or the subject doesn’t get what he/she wants, where life encapsulates the subject and the subject can no longer escape this web and so gets accustomed to it, defeated.


This is probably the most used tag on this website. As also stated in the about page, my writing process for most articles is just thinking and thinking. So, a lot of these articles are naive. And I think you could put the word “maybe” in the beginning of every sentence and it will still work but that would be boring to read I guess. And as these maybe and maybe and maybe—maybies—are not even strong. They are weak and clumsy, written by an amateur, naive, and that’s that. The word “maybies” doesn’t exist in the English language. I made it up.


Articles in which I want to sound funny.


Stories that are short I guess.


Not the fantasy you know that has Wizards and Dwarfs and Dragons. But the story is a fantasy, far away from real life and fate, at least for me. This includes mostly the stories featuring romance and wealth, something I don’t think I am ever going to get. That’s why fantasy. It would be nice if something like this actually happened, but it won’t. It still makes a good story I guess.


About movies and films related. Reviews, some scenes that I like, some details that I notice and think that only a few people noticed it before.


Cormac McCarthy writes in his Pulitzer-Winning Novel, The Road, as a dialogue delivered by a father to his son in an apocalyptic world, "Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden." He means hope by this term "little fire". On my website, I am using this term to mean something inspiring and motivating. So that it can fill us with hope, and ignite the little fire we carry even brighter.

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Also available as a YouTube video.

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Also available as a YouTube video.

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By Satyam Ghimire | Date: 2024 April 3

Also available as a YouTube video.

Joker and Green Goblin

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Also available as a YouTube video.